

Rail freight by commodity groups in 2020


Coal, crude oil and natural gas as well as metal ores and other mining and quarrying products made up nearly 63% of the total weight of goods transported by rail in 2020. These two commodity groups also accounted for more than a half of the transport performance. The Office of Rail Transport has published preliminary data on commodity groups in 2020.

In 2020 freight carriers transported 223.2 m tonnes of goods. The transport performance amounted to 52.2 bn tonne-km. These numbers were lower by 5.6% and 6.6% respectively when compared to 2019. A total of 82.6 m tonnes of coal, crude oil and natural gas were transported (a decrease by over 8.5 m tonnes as compared to 2019). The share of this commodity group in the total weight transported by rail was 37% (a drop by 1.6% as compared to 2019). In the second largest commodity group, i.e. metal ores and other mining and quarrying products, a decrease was nearly 7 m tonnes, which is a drop in the share by nearly 1.5%. A total of 57.8 m tonnes were transported in this commodity group and its share in the total weight of transported goods was 25.9%. Detailed data can be found in our recent study Grupy towarów 2020. Podstawowe dane (Commodity groups in 2020. Basic data).

Przewozy (grupy towarowe) w latach 2012-2020


Rail freight by commodity groups in 4Q 2020

In 4Q 2020 nearly 61.2 m tonnes of goods were transported by rail. The transport performance amounted to 14.3 bn tonne-km. When compared to 4Q 2019 it is an increase by 4.1% by weight and by 4.2% by transport performance.

23.2 m tonnes of coal, lignite, crude oil and natural gas were transported. It was a decrease by 0.9% as compared to 4Q 2019. However, this result was the highest in 2020 and when compared to 3Q 2020 2.6 m tonnes more were transported. ). The share of this commodity group in 4Q 2020 alone was 37.9%. The transport performance was 3.6 bn tonne-km.

When compared to 4Q 2019, the volume of the most important commodity groups rose. An increase in metal ores and other mining and quarrying products amounted to 3.4% by weight and 6.4% by transport performance. In this commodity group the carriers transported 15.8 m tonnes and the transport performance was 3.8 bn tonne-km. The share of this group in the total weight transported in 4Q 2020 was 25.8%.

In 4Q 2020 transport of chemical products rose by 19.9% ​​by weight and 17.1% by transport performance when compared to 4Q 2019. In transport of metals and metal products increases were 15.5% and 10.2% respectively.

In 4Q 2020 transport services in wagons or on platform wagons were offered by 72 freight carriers. 10 of them transported over 78.34% of the total weight of goods and were responsible for nearly 78% of the transport performance in 4Q 2020. The share of 62 other freight carriers did not exceed 25% of the total values.

Detailed data can be found on our new statistics website Dane Kolejowe (Railway Data).

The final results will be published in our new “Report on the functioning of the rail market in 2020”, which will be available on July 31, 2021.

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