
The general objectives of the supervision strategy for 2014

The supervision priorities adopted by the President of the Office of Rail Transport for 2014

  1. Supervision of entities holding safety certificates, authorisations and attestations;
  2. Supervision of entities holding safety certificates, authorisations and attestations in the course of the re-certification process;
  3. Supervision of the certificates issued to entities in charge of the maintenance of railway vehicles, and certificates regarding maintenance functions;
  4. Supervision of the validity of using auxiliary signals;
  5. Supervision of the infrastructure condition and maintenance process;
  6. Supervision of the safety of rail traffic in the course of investment work related within the railway infrastructure;
  7. Supervision of the technical condition, maintenance process and classification of road-railway level crossings;
  8. Supervision of the training centres entered in the list of entities authorised to conduct training and examination of train drivers' licence and certificate applicants, and the operational mode of examination boards established within those centres;
  9. Supervision of the compliance with the working-time regulations and qualifications of persons occupying the positions directly connected with railway traffic control and safety, and the drivers of specific types of railway vehicles and underground vehicles;
  10. Supervision of the diagnostics of the emergency mode of the rolling stock;
  11. Supervision of the maintenance and operation of railway vehicles;
  12. Supervision of the railway traffic control systems.

Other issues under the specific supervision of the President of the Rail Office in 2014

  1. Supervision of entities in charge of maintenance, entered into the National Vehicle Register (NVR);
  2. Supervision of the work of examination boards;
  3. Supervision of entities authorised to conduct medical and psychological examinations;
  4. Supervision of the degree of preparation to operate in winter conditions;
  5. Supervision of the operational safety of side-tracks;
  6. Supervision of the transportation of dangerous goods by rail and supervision of pressure equipment;
  7. Supervision of transport preparation and implementation, including the elements related to infrastructure maintenance;
  8. Supervision of underground-transport safety;
  9. Supervision of products used in the railway industry;
  10. Supervision of compliance with passengers’ rights;
  11. Supervision of notified bodies, including research laboratories, certifying bodies and inspection bodies;
  12. Supervision of the registration, examination and reporting of railway events as part of the SMS;
  13. Supervision of the implementation of recommendations and instructions issued by the National Railway Accident Investigation Committee;
  14. Supervision of the operational safety of funicular railways;
  15. Supervision of the interoperability of the railway system in the event of requests for issuing permits;
  16. Supervision of the implementation of post-inspection recommendations and administrative decisions;
  17. Verification of the railway traffic safety applications submitted by the President of UTK;
  18. Supervision of the protection against and removal of the consequences of theft of and damage to the railway infrastructure;
  19. Supervision of the functioning of technical rescue services of infrastructure managers;
  20. Supervision of the fulfilment of conditions for issuing licences to railway undertakings.


Participation in individual tasks* regarding the reference areas is as follows (for priorities):

For other issues, the percentage share* in the total number of activities planned is as follows:

The above areas were identified on the basis of the analyses of the results of inspection, verification and monitoring activities, complaints and reports, accident frequency, operational performance, certificate validity periods, the operational difficulties impact analysis, and the degree of damage to the railway infrastructure.

Moreover, one of the objectives assumed by the President of the Office of Rail Transport is to promote the culture of safety by publishing selected important results of the conducted supervision activities on the UTK website.

* It should be noted that the above values were calculated by assuming the generally planned number of activities, without taking into account the resources necessary for single implementation (e.g. the discrepancies between the labour intensity of the implementation-degree inspection of the Safety Management System and, e.g., inspection ride – in the calculations the single-activity value was assumed in both cases).







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