

New impulse for development of hydrogen economy in Poland


The development and implementation of hydrogen technologies may determine whether we achieve climate neutrality. On the initiative of Michał Kurtyka, the Minister of Climate and Environment, representatives of public administration, entrepreneurs, science and non-governmental organizations signed on 14 October 2021 "Sectoral Agreement for Development of Hydrogen Economy in Poland". On behalf of the President of Office of Rail Transport, the agreement was signed by Marcin Trela, Vice President of the Office.

In July 2020 the European Commission presented "A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe". A wider introduction of hydrogen technologies is a key element of the European Green Deal and of Europe's clean energy transition. By 2050 renewable electricity should help to decarbonise a large part of the EU's energy consumption. Poland is the first country in the European Union to conclude a sectoral agreement on development of hydrogen economy. This initiative places Poland at the forefront of the European energy transformation.

Poland is deeply involved in the process of creating the chain of low-emission hydrogen technologies. We are the fifth producer of hydrogen in the world and the third in the European Union. It is both a challenge related to production processes and a development opportunity. We have industrial facilities and qualified people who are ready to work in this sector - emphasized Michał Kurtyka, Minister of Climate and Environment.

The development of hydrogen economy is one of priorities of the Polish government and aims not only to build the competitive advantage of Polish companies, create well-paid jobs, but to improve the quality of life. The "hydrogen valleys" will be created in several Polish regions. Hydrogen valleys will not only bring together companies, but primarily be a place where the hydrogen industry, hydrogen production, storage and transmission systems are integrated.

138 entities signed this agreement today and they represent various sectors which in the future will play an important role in the production, transmission, storage and use of hydrogen. In particular, we are talking about transport, energy, heating and manufacturing industries. The highest possible share of Polish companies in the supply chain, as well as Polish technical thought and Polish patents will be of key importance in maintaining the competitiveness of our economy, decarbonising the most energy-intensive sectors and a successful competition with other countries which also have noticed a huge potential of hydrogen - told Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment and Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources.

The agreement includes an ambitious "local content" indicator at a level not lower than 50% of the total value in 2030. The added value for the Polish economy - if this indicator were achieved - is estimated at between EUR 343 and 870 million.

The agreement includes proposals focused on building the market from the demand side and creating appropriate legal regulations and institutional environment. What is particularly important, our sectoral agreement is in line with the European Union's hydrogen economy policy - explained Deputy Minister Zyska. He told that the initiative to conclude the agreement was entirely bottom-up and voluntary and the interest in this proposal was huge.


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