

Guide on applying for single safety certificates updated


Amendments to the Railway Transport Act 2003, which entered into force on 28 July 2021, regulated the use of One-Stop Shop (OSS) application and introduced the principle of automatic expiration of the previously binding safety certificates Part A and B after issuing a single safety certificate. With the entry into force of the 4th railway package, it is no longer possible to issue safety certificates for Parts A and B. Rail operators must apply for single safety certificates. The Office of Rail Transport updated a guide where you can find information on how to apply for a single safety certificate.

The previous version of the guide was from February 2021 and described basic principles of obtaining a single safety certificate. The guidelines prepared by the Office of Rail Transport complement the guides prepared by the European Union Agency for Railways and should be used by Polish and foreign applicants who want to operate in Poland.

The guide provides information on the rules for completing an application in OSS and required documents, in particular related to national regulations. It also describes the fees to be paid for specific requirements, for instance when a carrier also wishes to include railway sidings in their certificate.

The final version of this guide was agreed after consulting the draft with the representatives of the rail industry.

The guide with templates is available for download in the Studies section.

Guides for applicants on the issue, update and extension of single safety certificates and safety authorizations are also published on the Public Information Bulletin of the Office of Rail Transport website.


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