

More than 200 m passengers transported by rail in 2017


In the first eight months of this year 203.5 m passengers were transported in Poland by rail. It is 8 m more (+4.1%) than in the same period of 2016. As far as transport performance is concerned, the increase was at the level of 960 m pass-km (+7.41%).

Average distance of journey in the January-August period of this year amounted to 68.4 km and was by 2.1 km higher than in the same period of 2016, while the operational performance was at the level of 109 m train-km.  The estimate of the annual result of Polish railways four months before the end of 2017 should easily exceed 300 m passengers and 20 bn passenger-km, even if the same number of passenger as in 2016 are predicted for the remaining months of this year.

Detailed data are published on the Monthly Statistics page.

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